Let's have a race man!! One of the Thai friend came out with a suggestion for this Go-Cart activities at Shah Alam. RM 35 / 10 minutes. We decided to put it on Sunday noon 11am since some of us was not free on Saturday... BUT... at the end, YikTing still can't join us. From 12 persons whom said YES and just 8 of us turned up. Damrong n friend, Pao, Tung, Chua aka Sarah with gf, Zui and me. Pity Tung who arrived at 10:15am but need to wait for us until 11:30am.
Looked at the schedule board and noticed that since early morning, there was a race organize by Wish Club and Caldina Club. The Caldina was awesome. We have no choice to wait until 12noon to slot in.
Here goes the 'snake' circuit~
Looked at the sky and you will know it was a sunny day... enough to let us get burned.
Believed that after some quick turning, you might feel like vomiting =P
While waiting, Let's have some photo shooting session...
Act Cool~ Chua aka Sarah and Zui
Tung with the winning pose, ready to beat everybody else later =P
Oh... It's me with the number 9 and Ice's sunglasses =P
It's not so easy to get seated with the limited space... and forgot to check if the butt touched the road =))
Since not all of us gathered on time, we went out to Tesco for 'light' breakfast...
somebody was hiding behind...
LOOK~ This is not a light breakfast... or lunch...
Are you sure after taken these and...
It was 12+ noon and we were getting ready to put on the helmet. Erm... the white things on the head --- the shower cap!! hahaha it was so funny~
chosen our car and being told that right leg means GO and left means STOP =P i was not used to it ler...
1, 2, 3 Vroom!!! Too bad we were not started at the same time...
I was somewhere in the circuit... but maybe i drove too fast so you can't capture me =P
10 minutes was fast... i guess we had 5 to 6 laps and backed to the starting point.
Selling helmet konon-nya...
Looked at the trophy... NO!!! Looked at the pretty gal standing behind =P
Finally the close shot...
Can consider to bring my dad and my brothers next time. Haha who want to challenge??